click on the images to enlarge....
Above is a nice range of swords, actually single handed swords. Some so short they might properly called a "dirk", though of course, a dirk by definition is a broken sword remade into a big old knife. Across the top is a "celtic sword". Characterized by the sweeping anthromorphic hilt, this is of course, a much later period copy... A stylistic variant which does not prevent this from being a very nice battle sword.
Second from the left is a short sword. Can't tell much about it since it is encased in this no doubt modern scabbard. The leather wrapped handle is kind of nice to see....seems like a nice sword to handle, and the wheel pommel balances this sword out to be very quick.
Third and forth from the left....built up sword like objects, unlikely to be actually used in anything other than a play or a pagent.
fifth from the left...a very real sword...with a nice wide "viking" style fuller. The big ring pommel is kind of neat...it seems a little reminicient of an "Irish" sword, but I suspect this one has seen service. The sweep of the edge coming into the tip is VERY well done. The Smith was proud of this job. The word that comes to mind is "workmanlike". Short, nasty, and useful.
Second from the right....same design, but not done nearly as well. No nice wide fuller, this sword would handle like a club. That is to say...effectively.
The far right on the top row....a falchion of some sort...looks like a medieval copy of a persian blade. One wonders if this one was used in pagents as well. It isn't an actual persian blade because it is not as well made, and would not qualify as a "collector's item". Though you never know.
Bottom Row.....MUCH more interesting.
far left....a basic short sword with a "Brazil Nut" shaped pommel. Used a lot in Germany and England.
Second from left bottom row...Very well made German design, with nice wide fuller. I bet you can see the "running wolf" marks of the Nurenburg blade makers if you look close!
Third from left, bottom row.....nice fighting sword. Probably standard issue to anybody who guarded the Hansiatic League ports. The blade widening towards the crossguard is kind of unusual...one would think that would reduce the effectivness of the defence.
Forth from left, bottom row....standard blacksmith work. Looks like a reasonably good job...the quillion looks as though it had seen some rough times. Probably a standard issue sword.
Third from right, bottom row.....A viking sword! Oh my....wonder how old THAT one is! The lobate pommel, short quillions, and almost no room for the hand is SO distinctive. The blade looks to be awfully plain. One wonders if this was supposed to be sold to Denmark or Sweden like most of the short swords made in Germany. (Vikings didn't make their own swords....they bought the blades from Germany...their cousins so to speak)
Second from right....yes, this is most definitely a German sword. The double ring is so distinctive. Of course, "Germany" back in those days tended to mean the "Austrian-Hungarian Empire", so it covered a LOT of ground.
And the far right....the straight wide fuller implies a better sword than the handle gives credit to.
Thank you Pierre for bringing back the pictures of such great weapons which are stored in the castle which overlooks Prague.