Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Academy of the Arts

Algonquin College has asked me to do a week of armour making as part of the "summer academy of the arts". This is a daunting task. There is a LOT to do to prepare for this.
As of this morning, I have 6 students signed up for it.

Its course MMA0230 and it occurs on week four.

(cut and paste from the web site)
Bill Fedun has been instructing armoured sword handling at Algonquin College from 2002 until the present, and involved with sword based martial arts since 1979.

From the foundation of 20 years of military experience in designing workshops and courses of various types, Bill has moved on to pursue his true passion for making Medieval body armour.

Bill has travelled the world to make measured drawings of real armour in museums, and combines this acquired knowledge with more than twenty-two years of experience to re-create the original patterns, and modify those patterns to fit modern 21st century clients.

This summer, Bill will teach:
· MMA0230 Techniques for making Medieval Armour
· MMA0231 Making Chainmaille Armour and Jewellery

Supplies for Techniques for Making Medieval Armour:
Instructor will supply specialty tools, but students are encouraged to bring their own pliers, ball pein hammer, claw hammer, black sharpie, notebook and tape measure. Instructor will supply necessary materials at cost. Bring $75.00 on the first day to cover materials.

How exciting! This is, as far as I know, the only course of its kind taught in North America.

Lots of work to do to get ready! The lesson plan is all done, and the anvils are loaded into the car.

The picture? Well, that was back when I was young and pretty...grin!

ip-location map zoom

1 comment:

Kate said...

That's a fabulous photo Bill; good luck with the course too, hard work but I'm sure a lot of fun for all :-)