Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Aluminum armour.

This is a slightly unusual armour in that it is made entirely out of aluminum. The white colour is primer paint which protects the surface, and not surprisingly, shows the dirt! Eventually, it will be painted black, so dirt streaks won't matter. (thank goodness!)

The top picture shows the inspiration for this armour. It is to be, as much as possible, to look like the armour made by the props department of the 1939 movie of Richard the third, as played by Mr. John Barrymore.
Quite a challenge. Making armour is one thing. Making it look like a picture is quite another. Fortunately, my "two piece" armour is very close to the original, and is particularly good since it allows the wearer some extra mobility.
Come back often...I'll try to post pictures of how this is turning out!

ip-location map zoom

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