Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Artist inspired armour.

Below is a magnetically latched collar, such as you might see in "Slither"

although Dirdre and Selene seem to have picked up a couple as well. (I'll let you search them try Clyde Caldwell gallery at

above is the background done in "points", and below is the same design done in "crescents". What do you think is better?

Below is a buckled version of the bracers the human woman is wearing in "the Rose Sea". The client will of course cut the straps after they are fitted to her...or him. These were a little more difficult to do because the tops were pointier than usual, and as any armourer can tell you, the outside curves are always the most difficult. These came out better than I thought they would. The apparent simplicity is just that...apparent.

I like the blue straps. Maybe should have been green to match the green silk shirt the subject is clashes a bit. Oh well, if you examine the painting, and the styles of armour, you can see that the elf and the human have exchanged kit in any case. How many would pick up on that???

ip-location map zoom


Unknown said...

Wow! I *really* like these bracers! Very cool. I prefer the "points" look, but it would depend on the comfort over the skin with them on- if the interior is scratchy.

STAG said...

Not scratchy at all! But, Brenda put leather linings into them anyways.