Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer Academy of the Arts

My name in print again!

Algonquin College in Ottawa Ontario, Canada, is trying a new thing....summer academy of the arts. These are week long special interest courses. I have been asked to teach two courses, one on "how to make armour" and another on "How to make chain mail". This accounts for two of my weeks this summer at any rate! I imagine the usual caveats apply...if there are not enough sign ups, they won't run the course. But considering how many people have expressed an interest in these things, it seems to be a positive sort of thing.

Armour on week four (July 26-30), and chain mail on week six (August 9-13). I think I'll be taking a class myself, the "lost wax casting" course on week three.

ip-location map zoom

1 comment:

STAG said...

Who are these guys? And why are they spamming me? This keeps up and I'll have to put in comment moderation just to get shut of them.