Not a bad looking helm. Not ever going to get used to a barrel helm with a grill face though!
Here it is from the side. The clean up from the welding meant the black of the metal got scuffed away pretty thoroughly. I thought about colouring it with a blackening agent, then simply decided to go with the shiny surface. I used the blackening agent on the top, because I ran out of hot rolled 14 gauge steel. It doesn't quite match, so rather than going with the near-match, I went with the total contrast. Seems to work.
Above is a close up of the lion and nasal in front. Looks mean doesn't it?
And a three quarters view of the finished helm. The eyeletted holes on the sides are where laces anchor the chin strap. The sport that Josh is going into, they hit pretty hard, and I really like the idea of a chin strap which a paramedic can cut from the outside. Without bending his head back...which could be fatal if there is a neck injury.
This helm is 14 gauge steel throughout, with 3/8 inch bars spaced 1 inch apart on centre, and will stand up to anything the SCA can throw at it. I should point out that I didn't do the welding, that beautiful welding job was done by local artist-gate maker here in the village. (I'll put your name here if you like...I know you read this blog....not a void or a bit of bad metal anywhere in all those joints! Kudos.)