Tuesday, February 24, 2009


click to enlarge.
This dirk was fairly straightforward, Wulf in Toronto wanted me to make his some dirks for his "Rob Roy" production. I made this one just to show him what I can do.

This dirk is carved from very rough spruce intentionally pulled from the burn pile. After carving and mounting a roughly shaped file, I gave it a really heavy wire brushing. An opaque stain, and when that dried, I scraped the surface to bring out the underlying colour.
The idea was to make a dirk which would be really really rough looking, and look rough but still "knife like" from the sixth row.

I think the final scraping to bring out the grain did the trick. Looks great. I installed a little keeper inside the scabbard to keep the blade from just sliding out. That is the little brass bit you can just see at the mouth.
Does it ever look good on the dark green Rob Roy hunting tartan!

ip-location map zoom

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet looking dirk, that!